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Friday, June 20, 2008

Liberal Democracy Period

In 1953 charity stamps of National Disaster series were issued as part of fund-raising campaign to assist victims of flood in Aceh by overprinting the stamps of "PTT Headquarters" series with the words "Bentjana Alam" (Natural Disater). In 1954, when Mount Merapi erupted in Central Java, another charity stamps were issued to raise funds for victims of that disaster.

Charity stamps of Children Welfare series were issued in 1954 depicting childrens' games and activities from different part of the archipelago. A portion of the money raised from the sale of these stamps was given to the Yayasan Kesejahteraan Anak Indonesia(the Indonesian Children's Welfare Foundation), Jakarta.

Red Cross series were issued in 1956. Charity stamps intended for the disabled persons, for orphans and for the 10th World Jamboree were issued respectively in 1957, 1958 and 1959. The cherity stamps intended for the Blind were issued in 1956 in commemorating the birth of Louis Braille, creator of the Braille alphabet.

Between 1951 and 1953, in order to anticipate continued growth in postal traffic, the Government issued definitve stamps of President Soekarno series. This series was printed by John Enschede en Zonen, printing company in the Netherlands, because of quality of domestic production at that time was not up to international standarts.

Stamps showing the spicial fauna of Indonesia were issued successively in 1956 and 1959. The 1956 stamps depicted an otter, a mousedeer, a sealy anteater and rhino. The 1959 stamps series showed a komodo dragon from the island of Komodo, a rhino ant tapir from Sumatra, an orangutan from Kalimantan, an anoa and a babi rusa(deer hog) from Sulawesi.

The highly permeable condition of Indonesia's national defense system at this time led to a great deal of illicit trade, including the smuggling of stamps in the Riau arhipelago near Singapore. To overcome this problem, the government issued stamps specially used for Riau by overprinting with word "RIAU" on some stamps. This special series of stamps was used between 1954 and 1957.

The next outstanding themes adopted on the stamps are the commemoration of significant historical events. The first two series to use this theme were the ones that commemorated the formation of the United Republic of Indonesia and Five Years of Independence. In 1951 stamps of UNO series were issued to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. These stamps were printed by the American Banknote Company, New York. Other stamps that were issued between 1953 and 1958 commemorated Mother's Day, Ten Years of Indonesia Independence, Ten Years of PTT, Cooperation's Day, National Aviation's Day and Declaration of Human Rights.

All stories were cited from the book "Indonesian Stamps: 130 years, published by Public Corporation for Posts and Giro, first edition 1994


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